Spikenard, also called nard, nardin, and muskroot, is a class of aromatic amber-colored essential oil derived from Nardostachys jatamansi, a flowering plant of the valerian family which grows in the Himalayas of Nepal, China, and India.
The plant produces small, delicate pink flowers, and thrives in high altitudes, which is why it flourishes so easily in the Himalayan mountains. Spikenard essential oil can be found in the roots of the plant and is produced using the process of steam distillation.
For centuries, Spikenard has been used traditionally in Ayurvedic health practices native to India, and was historically used to anoint those of high honor.  The oil has been used over centuries as a perfume, a traditional medicine, or in religious ceremonies across a wide territory from India to Europe.
It was offered on the specialized incense altar when the Tabernacle was located in the First and Second Jerusalem Temples. The ketoret was an important component of the Temple service in Jerusalem. Nard is mentioned a number of times in the Tanakh, and as part of incense in reference to hilchot shabbat in Tractate Shabbat 78b as well as Maimonides Hilchot Shabbat 18:16. It is mentioned twice in the Song of Solomon (1:12 and 4:13) and John 12:3-7.
Nard was used to perfume the body of Patroklos by Achilles in Book 18 of Homer’s Iliad. Pliny’s Natural History lists twelve species of “nard”, identifiable with varying assurance, including Lavandula stoechas and tuberous valerian as well as true nard (in modern terms Nardostachys jatamansi).
Revered since ancient times for its uplifting, relaxing aroma and ability to promote clean skin, Spikenard essential oil is still extremely useful and beneficial today. Spikenard oil is known for its distinct, woody, spicy scent that creates a pleasant aroma when diffused or used as a personal perfume.
Spikenard Oil Uses and Benefits
One of the greatest benefits of Spikenard oil is its uplifting aroma that can help promote feelings of relaxation and calmness. Throughout history, Spikenard has commonly been used to manage and uplift mood, or to help promote relaxation when used topically or aromatically.  When you want to experience the calming benefits of Spikenard essential oil, apply one or two drops to the temples or the back of the neck.
Not only is Spikenard oil known for its uplifting properties, but it is a very grounding oil. Because of the grounding properties of Spikenard essential oil it a popular choice for aromatherapy and meditation. Spikenard oil can be a useful oil for aromatherapy and massage, while the grounding properties make it useful for promoting relaxation during meditation.
Spikenard essential oil is revered for its benefits for skin. People often use Spikenard oil for skin due to its cleansing and purifying properties. By incorporating Spikenard oil into your skincare routine, you’ll promote a healthy, glowing complexion. You can also combine a few drops of Spikenard oil with hydrating or moisturizing cream when you want to smooth or soften your skin. It is a great addition to a beard oil.
With a unique woody, spicy scent, Spikenard is commonly used in the perfume industry. When you want to create your own personalized essential oil perfume, consider combining Spikenard oil with complementary oils like Clove, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Wild Orange, Juniper Berry, Myrrh, Roman Chamomile and Vetiver.
Emotional Benefits
Using an essential oil aromatically directly benefits emotions via the limbic system. Spikenard opens the soul to acceptance and gratitude. Spikenard encourages true appreciation for life. It addresses patterns of ingratitude, where individuals see themselves as targets of bad luck or victims of their life circumstances. This perception can often lead to feelings of blame and anger.  It assists the higher thinking out of fight or flight.
Spikenard encourages the soul to surrender and accept life exactly as it is. It invites individuals to let go and find an appreciation for all of life’s experiences. It supports in feelings of joy and happiness for themselves and others.
Gratitude is an expression of complete acceptance and abundance. Spikenard is said to open the 7th Chakra.
Click here to order Spikenard or contact Tammy@QiTouch.net